Noun, Adjective And Adverb

clause is a group of related words which has both a subject and a predicate. A clause is different from a phrase because a phrase is a group of related words which lacks either a subject or a predicate or both.

Adjective Clauses

Adjective clauses modify nouns or pronouns. An adjective clause nearly always appears immediately following the noun or pronoun.
To test for adjective clauses there are a couple of questions that you can ask. Which one? What kind? Most adjective clauses begin with "who," "whom," "which," or "that." Sometimes the word may be understood. The words "that" or "who," for example, might not specifically be in the sentence, but they could be implied. To determine the subject of a clause ask "who?" or "what?" and then insert the verb.
  • The book that is on the floor should be returned to the library.
Occasionally, an adjective clause is introduced by a relative adverb, usually "when," "where," or "why."
  • Home is the place where you relax.

Adverb Clauses

Adverb clauses usually modify verbs, in which case they may appear anywhere in a sentence. They tell why, where, under what conditions, or to what degree the action occurred or situation existed. Unlike adjective clauses, they are frequently movable within the sentence.
  • When the timer rings, we know the cake is done. OR
  • We know the cake is done when the timer rings.
Adverb clauses always begin with a subordinating conjunction. Subordinating conjunctions introduce clauses and express their relation to the rest of the sentence.

Noun Clauses

Noun clauses are not modifiers, so they are not subordinators like adjectives and adverbs, and they cannot stand alone. They must function within another sentence pattern, always as nouns. A noun clause functions as a subject, subject complement, direct object, or object of a preposition.
A noun clause usually begins with a relative pronoun like "that," "which," "who," "whoever," "whomever," "whose," "what," and "whatsoever." It can also begin with the subordinating conjunctions "how," "when," "where," "whether," and "why."
  • Whoever wins the game will play in the tournament.

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1.    GERUND
Gerund adalah kata benda yang berasal dari kata kerja ditambah –ing, misalnya swimming, eating, fishing, shopping, dancing, dan singing. Bila diperhatikan, gerund mempunyai bentuk yang sama dengan present participle, bedanya gerund berfungsi sebagai kata benda, sedangkan present participle sebagai kata sifat yang menerangkan kata benda.
Gerund Verb –ing dalam gerund diposisikan sebagai kata benda dalam sebuah kalimat.
-          Playing foot ball is my favorite game
-          Your singing is very beautiful.

Infinitif adalah bentuk dasar kata kerja. Ini mungkin didahului dengan 'menjadi' (untuk-infinitive) atau berdiri sendiri (dasar atau nol infinitif).
to-infinitive digunakan:
    -  setelah verba tertentu. misalnya want, wish, aggre, faild, mean, deide, learn
    -  setelah auxelery menjadi to, have to, dan ought to
contoh kalimat menggunakan  'to' :
-          The elephant decided to marry the mouse
-          The mouse agreed to marry the elephant
-          You will have to ask her
3.    MODAL
Modal auxiliaries mempunyai banyak fungsi yang berbeda – beda. Modal auxilaries yang diguanakan dalam kajian kali ini antara lain; can, could, may, might, must, shall, should, will, dan would.
Hal-hal yang perlu diperhatikan dalam penggunaan modal auxiliary:
1.      Dalam sebuah kalimat tidak boleh ada dua buah modal auxiliary. Kalau Anda dihadapkan dengan 2 buah modals (Dalam bahasa Indonesia, misalnya, "saya harus bisa ..." maka modals yang kedua, harus diubah ke bentuk lain yang mempunyai arti yang sama.
2.      Kata Kerja sesudah modal auxiliary harus bentuk pertama.
3.      Modal akan selalu sama bentuknya dan tidak berubah apapun subjeknya. Misalnya can yang bisa digunakan untuk semua subjek dan tidak berubah apapun subjeknya.
Sekarang perhatikan penjelasan beberapa modal auxiliary di bawah ini:

3.1.       CAN
Dipakai untuk menyatakan kesanggupan atau kemahiran seseorang, minta izin, dan kemungkinan, contoh:
-            She can speak English.
-            Can I visit your sister?
-            He can be sick. (mungkin dia sakit).

3.2.       COULD
Dipakai untuk menyatakan bentuk lampau dari Can, permintaan dengan sopan, dan Kemungkinan, contoh:
-          Mary could swim when she was young. (Permintaan dengan sopan).
-          Could you help me now?
-          He could be the 1st winner.

3.3.       SHALL
Digunakan untuk menyatakan artinya "akan" dalam bentuk Future Tense, menawarkan bantuan, dan Janji, contoh:
-          We shall go to Jakarta next week.
-          Shall I help you?
-          I shall meet you tomorrow.

3.4.       SHOULD
Digunakan untuk menyatakan bentuk lampau dari shall, anjuran (Artinya "sebaiknya"), dan Keharusan, contoh:
-          When you borrow my book, you should read it.
-          You are sick; you should go to the hospital soon.
-          You should (ought to) do your homework every day.

3.5.       WILL
Digunakan untuk menyatakan artinya "akan" dalam bentuk Future Simple Tense dan permintaan dengan sopan atau menawarkan, contoh:
-          I will buy a new car next week.
-          Will you go swimming with me?

3.6.       WOULD
Digunakan untuk menyatakan bentuk lampau dari Will yang berarti "akan", suatu permohonan/permintaan dengan sopan, jika digabung dengan kata LIKE menunjukkan hasrat atau keinginan, dan Digabung dengan kata "rather" menunjukkan arti Lebih suka (prefer), contoh:
-          She knows that it would be pleasant in Jambi.
-          Would you help me, please?
-          Would you like to have lunch in the restaurant?
-          I would rather be a doctor than a president.

3.7.       MAY
Digunakan untuk menyatakan permohonan izin dan permohonan atau harapan, contoh:
-          May I drink now? No, you may not. (Bolehkah aku pulang sekarang?).
-          May God bless you.

3.8.       MIGHT
Digunakan untuk menyatakan bentuk lampau (past tense) dari MAY, namun pemakaiannya juga dapat untuk masa kini atau masa yang akan  datang, contoh:
-          I told him that he might go home. (Saya beritahukan kepadanya bahwa ia boleh pulang).

3.9.       MUST
Digunakan untuk menyatakan keharusan/mesti, dalam kalimat menyangkal (negatif) dan membuat jawaban dari kalimat tanya, selalu digunakan NEED NOT atau Needn't bukan musn't (must not), must not (musn't) menunjukkan (berarti) larangan atau tidak boleh, dan Must = Have to (she/he has to) berarti harus, contoh:
-          You must go now.
-          Must I go now? Yes, you must./ yes, you need.
-          You must not play in the class. (Anda dilarang bermain  di dalam kelas).
-          She must (has to) study today. (Dia harus belajar  hari ini).

3.10.   NEED
Digunakan untuk menyatakan digunakan untuk menyatakan dan sebagai kata kerja biasa yang berarti "perlu" dan mengalami perubahan bentuk, contoh:
-          I needn't go now. (Negatif). bukan: I mustn't go now, karena kalimat ini berarti.: (Saya dilarang pergi sekarang).
-          Do we need any milk?

3.11.   DARE
Digunakan untuk menyatakan kata kerja bantu dan kata kerja biasa, contoh:
-          Dare he swim alone?
-          Does he dare to come here again?

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